Easter… it is the absolute victory.

The victory of love over hate, the victory of light over darkness, the victory of life over death.

Easter, it is Man's hope, his only salvation. It is proof of the infinite love and omnipotence of our Heavenly Father.

It is the ultimate gift of Christ. His life, offered by grace, to save us and to offer us eternal life, and to restore our position as beloved children of God.

Easter, it is the empty Cross, the risen Jesus, alive for ever, and the gates of Heaven wide open to all who, by faith, pass through them.

It's God's love manifested to the world, unconditionally.

Easter, it is also a promise made to every human being who decides to believe it. The promise of being accepted and loved for eternity.

Easter, it is God coming to us, arms wide open, ready to embrace us.

And since that time, He has been patiently waiting for His children to come home, to welcome Him into their hearts and become His family, His friends, His intimates once again.

Easter, it's the most beautiful day in the history of mankind and, if you sincerely desire it, it can be the most beautiful day of your history also.